Reklaamkingitusteks sobivad ideaalselt ettevõtte logoga võtmehoidjad, kaelapaelad, huulepalsamid, stressilelud ja muud väiksed, kuid pilkupüüdvad kingitused.

Showing the single result

Cool round stress reliever

1.28 + KM 20%
Swatch image Hõbe
Swatch image Kollane
Swatch image Kuld
Swatch image Laimiroheline
Swatch image Lilla
Swatch image magenta
Swatch image Oranž
Swatch image Punane
Swatch image Royalsinine
Swatch image Sinine
Swatch image solid black
Swatch image Valge

Bounce, throw or squeeze this round stress ball. Stress relievers vary slightly in density, colour, size and weight due to mold process which may prevent precise and uniform imprint. Imprint may break up. No half-tones.